During a time of crisis, it’s more important than ever to communicate with your stakeholders about efforts your organization is taking in response to the current situation. We’ve included some outreach efforts we executed for a few clients during this difficult time. In addition, we created this COVID-19 related guide to maintaining your presence on social media and these suggestions for remote advocacy in an article format as well as a podcast.
Sanitizer Mapping & Resource Portal
As part of their response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Distilled Spirits Council of the United States (DISCUS) wanted to recognize the efforts of the hundreds of distillers who shifted to producing hand sanitizer to help solve the national shortage. They also wanted to help these distillers identify additional resources they might need for production and distribution.
Beekeeper Group developed an interactive map showing the 500+ distillers producing sanitizer by state, as well as a portal to help distillers connect with suppliers who can help them procure necessary components like ingredients, bottles, or distribution. Distillers can add their names to the growing list as well as submit the ingredients or other resources they need for display on the portal. Learn more about their efforts here.

Digital Ad Campaign
With economic forecasts indicating restaurants and the foodservice industry could sustain $225 billion in losses and the elimination of 5-7 million jobs over the next three months, the National Restaurant Association launched a grassroots campaign to deliver critical messages to Congress on the importance of including restaurants and their employees in a recovery response package.
After posting natively to social media, Beekeeper Group implemented a Facebook ad campaign to generate grassroots actions and a display ad campaign for visibility among policymakers. The paid efforts allowed for exponential reach and activity in a competitive media landscape and advocacy environment.
Resource Platform
As the trade association that represents the organizations that manage the clinical trial process, the onset of COVID-19 put the Association of Clinical Research Organizations (ACRO) in a spot it rarely finds itself, the spotlight. Almost overnight, an industry that usually leaves most of the news making to its customers, found itself in a unique spot to be both a convener of industry leaders and a clearinghouse of information.
ACRO asked Beekeeper Group to assist in standing up a COVID-19 resource platform on its website. In order to serve their members, they needed to be the go-to source for the following types of information:
- Rapid-fire guidance from regulators all over the world dealing with compressed timelines for clinical trials for treatments and vaccines.
- Industry recommendations on how to support and monitor clinical trials during COVID-19
- Updates and information from their member companies, especially news on accelerating availability of tests, collaborations on clinical trials, and other groundbreaking work happening at the member company level
ACRO staff worked tirelessly to create recommendations, monitor global regulators, and gather newsworthy content from their member companies. Beekeeper Group was proud to assist them by quickly building a web platform and related communications to promote all of the lifesaving work underway at its member companies to safely accelerate testing, remedies, and vaccines for COVID-19.
Response Website
Beekeeper Group worked with the Credit Union National Association (CUNA) to launch a website that highlights how credit unions are stepping up for their members during the current COVID-19 crisis. The site features a state-by-state guide to show what individual credit unions are doing in each state to help Americans with critical financial services and offerings like loan modifications, fee waivers, and donations.
We know this is a challenging time, and we are grateful for the opportunity to help our clients continue to advance their mission even in the most trying of circumstances.
Stay safe!