Global Automakers
Global Automakers, a trade organization representing 13 international automobile manufacturers, boasts an impressive array of data about their members’ impact on the US economy. However, the information is often dense and numbers-driven making it difficult to translate to policymakers and consumer audiences.
Beekeeper Group, as experts in design and social media strategy, recommended the Global Automakers adopt a visual storytelling approach to give new life to this data. We knew Global Automakers had a great story to tell, especially about their local production facilities that provide jobs and a much needed economic boost to many regions hardest hit by manufacturing declines. We just needed to help them retell this story in an emotive and engaging way.

The first step was overhauling their printed annual report, converting it from its text-heavy format to a vibrant infographic style. Custom illustrations highlighted key statistics and maps, and charts demonstrated their national manufacturing footprint. We then leveraged these graphics to create an animated infographic video that received significant attention on the client’s website and social media channels.
The new approach worked far better than expected, prompting the development of additional animations, videos, presentations, policy leave-behinds, and state-by-state visual fact-sheets.
If you have questions about how to best tell your company’s story, our DC public affairs and communications agency can help! Contact us today to learn more.