Wednesday, July 20th, 2022
Opening Keynote: Finding Your Why, Featuring Warren Berger, Author of A More Beautiful Question
In this presentation, the best-selling author and "questionologist", Warren Berger, will show you how to tap into the power of questioning to reaffirm your purpose, clarify your goals, and spark creativity and innovation in your work.
Deep Dive Breakout 1: Trolls Galore: Countering Those Who Misstate or Misunderstand Your Issues
Panelists will share weird and wonderful stories of trolls they faced, how they countered them, and how they sometimes leveraged those opponent voices to their advantage. This session will review […]
Deep Dive Breakout 2: Promoting a Culture of Ongoing Advocate Training and Coaching
Advocates want more training in mediums where they want to engage, and often with the option to follow along at their own pace. Our panelists will show you how to […]
Deep Dive Breakout 3: Demonstrating Employee and Member Ownership of Your PAC
Potential and current PAC contributors are inundated with messages criticizing involvement in industry PACs. It's time to reinforce the importance of employee and member-led PACs, and show how much ownership […]
[Outside the Industry] Lessons from Ukraine: Advocacy in a Time of War
When Russia invaded Ukraine in February of this year, a small group of young professionals with deep ties to Ukraine came together to form a brand new advocacy team for […]
Deep Dive Breakout 1: Bridging the Gap: Navigating your Government Affairs Priorities at both the National and State Levels
Your organization likely has several overarching priorities and legislative goals – but they can’t always be achieved in one fell swoop at the national level. With 50 different states, all […]
Deep Dive Breakout 2: Help! Covid Broke My Advocacy Program
You tell us how your program was broken and we'll help you fix it! A heavily discussion-based session with tips and ideas solicited from our experienced panelists and the audience. […]
Deep Dive Breakout 3: Applying Data to Measure and Show Your Success
We hear a lot about 'data,' but how do you apply it to assess your efforts? Panelists will discuss how both big and small teams use and apply data, different […]
General Session: Political Capital Digital Game
Beekeeper Group's award-winning Political Capital game has gone digital! Play this brand new version, customized for the Buzz Advocacy Summit, over drinks and snacks as each table competes for bragging […]
Thursday, July 21st, 2022
General Session: So… How Do We Advocate Now?
This session will not only debut the latest survey data from CMF, but will also feature a panel of senior legislative staff and advocacy practitioners to discuss the most effective […]
Deep Dive Breakout 1: Fly-in, Drive-in, Zoom-in: More Opportunities to Empower Advocates
This session will rely on a mix of case studies and audience-led thought experiments on how to directly connect advocates with lawmakers (and their staff) in our new reality. Particular […]
Deep Dive Breakout 2: Social Media: Content That Recruits
As social media becomes even more critical to outreach and recruitment, panelists will discuss new opportunities to ensure your messages and calls to action generate attention on today's competitive social […]
[Outside the Industry] Def Jam Forward: A Record Label Turns to Advocacy
Running a successful record label isn't only about finding the next big star. Theda Sandiford, SVP, Commerce and Digital at Def Jam Recordings, will give us the inside scoop on […]
Deep Dive Breakout 1: Budget Clash: Proving Your Value to Your Peers, Your Board, and Other Departments
How did you prove your value during the pandemic? Perhaps, more importantly, how will you show that value now? Panelists will discuss strategies to engage your board, other departments, and […]
Deep Dive Breakout 2: Emotive Storytelling: From Mundane to Moving
Oh no! It's yet another boring message on a dry policy topic. But, does it have to be so dull? Learn the steps to emotive storytelling by reviewing before and […]
Friday, July 22nd, 2022
General Session: Evaluating Your Organization From Within: The Practitioner Perspective
Every organization brings its own mix of available resources to an advocacy effort. Some groups are blessed with large budgets, active memberships, and ample staff resources, while others regularly find ways to make a dollar out of fifteen cents. Resources don't always lead to success, and with any budget, it pays to be honest with yourself when accessing your efforts. This exciting keynote will show us what to look for when evaluating your organization's advocacy team and its results - and how to make the most of what you have.
Deep Dive Breakout 1: Optimizing Paid Media: Getting the Best Value for Your Advocacy Dollar
Regardless of your budget, or whether you manage advertising internally or work with consultants, this session will help you hone your paid media skills. Panelists will discuss what metrics matter, […]
Deep Dive 2: Show, Don’t Tell: Utilizing Video, Infographics, and Imagery
The old adage, a picture is worth a thousand words rings true. Telling your story through imagery, video, and data visualization can make a good message great. Show and Share […]
Closing General Session: Crafting a Strategic Plan in 60 Minutes: An Interactive Client Case Study
Our bespoke strategic planning process is back with a twist! Follow along as we harness the "buzz" of the audience to co-create a strategic campaign content map for a client. […]